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No content found for: Journal: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume: 677, Issue: april10, Page: 503

Article Lookup

The article lookup will help you to locate a specific article if you have the citation details.

To start, select a journal from the drop-down list. Note that if the journal name has changed, you'll need to select the appropriate name to find the content published under that title.

In the Volume number field enter the volume number of the article, usually the number in bold in a reference. For journals that do not use volume numbers - ie. JCAP, JSTAT and JHEP - enter the year of publication here instead.

The Issue number field is not usually needed. You only need to enter the issue number if the article you're looking does not have a 6-digit article number, or for journals that label their issues as months the equivalent 2-digit number (ie. 01 for January to 12 for December).

In the Article or page number field enter the 6-digit article number found at the end of the article reference. If the article does not have a 6-digit ID, enter the page number here instead.